First of all I would like to thank you for visiting this website. I’m Alejandro Manalo and I’m a Civil Engineer by profession. Although I’m an engineer, I’ve always been inclined in designing small houses and residential buildings whenever I have time to spare and so I have put up this website to showcase my works.
Pinoyhousedesigns.com is committed to provide house designs, floor plans and house plan concepts for Filipinos online. Many Filipinos today are still struggling to look for Architects or Engineers to seek advice for house designs and construction.
Pinoy house designs has the advantage since it is online and readily available to be searched. Each design have the perspective, description, features and the floor plan to have a better overview.
We also include the “Estimated Cost Range” of the design based on the floor area and unit price in different finishes, such as Rough Finished Budget, Semi Finished Budget, Conservatively Finished Budget, Elegantly Finished Budget. Although it is for budgetary purposes only, this feature will help house owner to prepare a sufficient budget.
Feel free to visit pinoyhousedesigns.com for new designs or contact us for any inquiry.
WONDERFUL houseplans! Also, an excellent website. One question we have: can you please explain more about what is included in your different finishes (Rough Finished Budget, Semi Finished Budget, and Conservatively Finished Budget)?
i like you designs.
if interested in a particular plan, how do i go about it?