Everyone wants to own a house…that’s for real. However, the question is: What type of house would please you? Well, lots of models are in a wide range of selection. Whenever you plan to build a house, it is important to realize your budget first. Get your calculator and consider this warm and inviting two story modern house to build.
Provided that financial aspect is fine, a family would prefer a two story residence. In fact, it has a lot of advantages like less lot area required, thus, it results to cost saving as well. Consequently, the lot area can generate a maximum space by building two levels. A warm and inviting two story modern house takes the stand in this article.
A modern two story house of two floors, this house generates a combined floor area of 150.0 m². While the exterior façade looks dynamic, the interior concepts on the other hand are decidedly up-to-date. In order to appreciate this model, get in touch with its outstanding features that includes: carport, living and dining rooms, breakfast nook, three bedrooms, kitchen, working area, two T&B and balcony.
Description of Warm and Inviting Two Story Modern House
This warm and inviting two story modern house will capture your heart with a lovely façade. The left frontage explode with twin glass door allowing a great supply of natural light to penetrate the inside. Similarly, wide glass windows applies to the first floor and upper staircase. This sensible design is also functional as to supply of fresh air ventilating the interior. If we take a glance on the inside, the abundance of light delivers a great effect.
The exterior façade of this pleasant home is sure to attract attention with its overall style and design considerations. Architectural details are prominent in the following aspects: sliding windows, French windows in the staircase, proportion of concrete against glass and the single assembly of clay tiles roof.
The house looks so calm and inviting when the colors of flesh, light grey and brown are combined. The interior design of this two story residence carry the same bearing as the exterior. The colors combination match from the living room to bedrooms. While the exterior expresses calmness, the interior invites a dramatic theme.
Floor Plan of Warm and Inviting Two Story Modern House
The ground floor of this warm and inviting two story modern house gathers the living spaces while the first floor occupies the sleeping zone. The garage sits at the right corner of the design with a door beside leading to the staircase. The floor plan is a free flowing open layout with the living room sitting on the left corner. In front of it is the dining room with a breakfast nook nearby. On the far right is the L-shaped kitchen in the middle of the common T&B and working area at the back.
Ground Floor Plan
The staircase wraps around the first floor with three generous bedrooms. A spacious master’s bedroom with a couch settles at the left section whereas, the other two bedrooms sit side by sides on the other right half of the plan. All bedrooms are furnished with individual walk-in-closets and share a common T&B. For relaxation purposes, a small balcony is available in front of and accessible from the master’s bedroom.
This simple yet colorful and smart floor plan invites every family member to enjoy privacy. The master’s bedroom promotes an open space while the living room opens to wind flow by its high ceiling and twin-door panels.
First Floor Plan
Indeed, this residence of dynamic features is one home that most families would love to have.
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